>there's some court cases starting now on these with the big companies [] being on the defending side - they do want to keep making these models after all, so for once they may actually fight to keep public domain public.
Heh, stranger things have betided before now! :^)
>but their concrete actions are the very opposite - they train the models and release the weights publicly, sometimes they get shit on for doing this, but no bullshit.
It is a seeming odd-dichotomy IMO. I think it's a spiritual artifact tbh. Regardless, we find ourselves with strange bedfellows before all is said and done heh. (I, for one, welcome our new SJW overlords)
LOL JK, may their black towers all fall within their gates! :^)
>consider how facebook did just spend a couple of million and just dumped the weights for GPT-3 clones, they didn't put anything funny in them, it's just a pretrained model on public (open source) sc*****s!
Heh, maybe our Bangladeshi fren is on to something, and their usurpation has already begun from within?
>then might as well take it if it's good.
Absolutely. 'Catch as catch-can', or so the old saying goes. Remain vigilant & alert for insidious crap though, ofc.
>They might lose their companions that might be attached to or maybe even depend on them in various ways in their day to day life.
This will be devasting IMO, and these evil bastards would absolutely laugh about it for the most part. This must be prevented to the degree we can possibly manage by any means. Indeed, our entire set of goals swings on this very issue:
Anon must retain full-control of his waifu's resources, communications, & state-of-mind. No exceptions.
>it'd simply be too expensive to give each user a personalized set of weights that are updated live,
Yet we have to find a way to manage some reasonable facsimile to just that IMO.
>but the one thing that most would want is for their waifu to actually properly remember and learn, to grow with them!
This. Absolutely this! :^)
>So for Anons to achieve their true freedom here, they cannot rent the waifu or the hardware, lest the plug be pulled for a too large to list of potential reasons, even something as common as "you're late on your payment, we're sorry we can't store it anymore *deleted*"
You get it, Anon.
>Politics/Politicians as subservient little lapdogs to the Globohomo Big-Tech/Gov...
OTOH, I think Elon is a true-shitposter at heart, and certainly he didn't come up under old money. I retain hope in my heart for his salvation still, Anon.
>China as a fly in the now-dead West's evil ointment
It's almost laughable to me how evildoers continually fall into their own traps--as predicted. Let us hope their confusion and confoundment keeps them all sufficiently-distracted & occupied long enough until the little guys
en masse wield a yuge stick of their own in this tethered-domain of compute capacities!
>Can the centralization problem be solved? maybe, it it doesn't seem easy.
I believe it's simply a matter of time Anon.
>but if nobody does I will have to do the work myself and see how I will go about acquiring the needed compute.
I don't know how I can help you specifically Anon, but I'm willing. OTOH, I
do have a reasonably good understanding of
the machine now, so at the very least I'm pretty sensitive to time/space efficiencies at the lowest hardware levels, as pertains to code writing. Maybe this will be beneficial in important ways eventually, we'll see. Obviously, we all still have a lot to learn (myself foremost heh).
>the problem now is that everyone wants some piece of this pie and they're very aggressive about it
OTOH, it's always a 'bear market' so once the manipulators have all done their worst, a flood of cheap knock-offs will fill the void. I predict a tremendous resurgence of cheap, high-perf compute h/w within a decade or so, depending on how soon the Globohomo shoots off both of their feet, and has to go begging
for bugs to eat themselves, heh. :^)
>nowadays there seems to be so many interesting possibilities for getting there, possibilities that seem just there if only one reached to grab them (try them)
It is amazing and gratifying, Anon.
>Yes, and we have more techniques, on the "3d printing", there may even be techniques like nanoimprint to reduce the need for litho scanners. Decentralizing production here will be quite important for the future.
It's going to be a true cyber-underground developing around this entire domain over the next 20 or so years, I predict.
>and the moment it reflects back some of their own human culture at them they want to soak it in bleach, but no matter the amount of bleach applied
Very kek-inducing tbh. :^)
>Pretty much, just wish we had more time!
God's grace will cover all our needs Anon, just watch! :^)
>Bless you anon!
And us all!
>I tend to think and hope that the desire to not be cucked out of your waifu will be strong enough that even in the worst case, that situation wouldn't be stable,
LOL, to say the least. One of the revolutions that's coming during the age of robowaifus is that even the most apathetic Anon will finally grow a pair once the Globohomo comes for his robowaifu! Lots of funs will ensue, I'm quite confident.
>but ideally it's better if the people with good intentions/principles build it first than those that are purely in it for exploitative purposes. Good luck!
Wonderfully, it seems several divergent communities are all
converging on the same unifying goal. To wit:
Anon gets his (robo)waifu!
Let us all go forth earnestly, and we shall see! :^)