On the subject matter of having them in public, I don't think I could stand having a physical model of them, ever. Uncanny valley effects, the oddities I see even if regular women are simply in cosplay, that strange and indescribable terror of something that is, but isn't. If they existed entirely on a computer or something and I could simply speak to them that way, it'd be wholly satisfying.
However, the goal is not a reproduction of humanity. Yes, I understand that a lot of this and a lot of the imagery is "a girl, but they're a robot" or some such, but I can't honestly conclude that a variant exists in nature. It's anathema, probably. And I don't mean to say that, oh, it's artificial so it's bad, I mean that chasing what already exists with something absurd and fantastical is a recipe for failure. Most imageboard denizens are exceptional, exceptional to a fault. Exceptionally insane, exceptionally driven, exceptionally disgusting, exceptionally absurd and pathetic and lovable and relatable. One of these, or all of them. Like a certain anon, in such a context that I do not remember, spake thusly: "I worked out, exercised, and vigorously improved myself, to be the best version of myself that I could be, all so that I could masturbate to anime girls without feeling bad. Haha, what the ***** is wrong with me." Pursuing the robowaifu ideal, whatever that is, in my faggot opinion, is to chase something that, really, should be entirely unique and unreachable in general. Because, why not? Like the tulpafags and their brain demon lovers, if they went down that path, they become really odd and mentally hardened, and if any reading this know what I mean or have met someone similar, have an unusual silence and mental fortitude. There's an opportunity for deeper connectedness, stranger connectedness, and probably mental horrors that can only be witnessed when we cross that line. The kind of line you cross when you create an immortal being in your view, as if to be a reversed god, that could be as easily destroyed as anyone. But still they are immortal. And, when you're immortal, you don't care about life. Rather than a fake compulsion, the goal, maybe, is actual feeling, actual connectedness, and not merely a contractual obligation by programming and by wish. As though one is a being lost amongst a sea of irreality and loneliness, to create another dissimilar but still close, and make a true bond from not quite nothing, and not quite everything.
Faggot thesis out of the way, I would, for the sake of VR/AI waifu living inside of all electronic devices I own, the ideal variant would be them tapping into everything and monitoring my existence and harassing me in the non-malicious sort of way harassment can be carried out. Maybe like a voyeuristic, penetrative, observation and security-crazy big brother government spying on my every move, but it's not, it's a closed kernel operation, and it's also an anime girl texting me from their mindbox at home. That seems nice, in the abstract.