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JewTube Rational Skeptics Thread #9 - The Final Edition Anonymous 08/05/2019 (Mon) 07:06:12 No.2
INTERNET BLOODSPORTS SEMI-PERMANENT MEGATHREAD! LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR! Alternate names include: Jewtube™ Rationalist™ Skeptic™ Thread™ #∞ Internet Bloodsports Megathread Endless Thread 9 Gunt Thread Based Isabella Worship Thread We've had about a gajillion "Jewtube Skeptic Thread #9" threads at this point that all appear and disappear at the speed of light and nobody really gives a shit about delicately archiving the posts in them or anything, and they're beginning to clutter up the board pretty bad, so this is a compromise everyone can be happy with for the time being. Discuss all things "Internet Bloodsports" that don't necessitate their own thread here. Krautgate, skeptic drama, all the shit that fall under that umbrella. Get your raincoats on, *****! Because we're about to see some guts go flying! This thread will be cycled. Links, Information and Lore: Full Timeline https://pastebin.com/1yjbjeaT https://archive.is/dM1kQ (Backup from April 2nd 2018) Archived Threads: https://pastebin.com/Hrt*****4QR https://archive.is/MtOiZ (Backup from April 2nd 2018) H8chan Archives: https://archive.is/https://8ch.net/cow/res/390723.html Julay.world Archives: https://archive.ph/https://julay.world/cow/res/2.html AlogSpace Archives: https://archive.is/https://alogs.theguntretort.com/cow/res/2.html Alogs.Space Archives: https://archive.fo/https://alogs.space/cow/res/2.html Gunt Subscriber Doxxx List: https://files.catbox.moe/7m2jsx.csv Joshua Clayton Connor *****phile Archives: https://scream.alogs.space/archives/Flamenco/ Gym Swatting: https://pomf2.lain.la/f/s04d5y0s.opus https://files.catbox.moe/18u3wz.opus Vickers Swatting Recording: https://files.catbox.moe/9rnho8.wav https://pomf2.lain.la/f/s9gqo1ii.wav
Edited last time by oldestfag on 08/23/2022 (Tue) 18:45:41.
>>259513 oh didn't notice the ? after marines
>>259513 >>259514 Maybe. I forget what exactly he was doing but I'm sure he's good enough for some civilian opportunities without the fitness requirements if he is *****ed up at all.
>>259515 SO he was gonna die for israel?
>>259518 Maybe or Ukraine or somewhere else. Now he probably will have to do something less physical and more safe bickers he probably won't be in the mint condition he was before the accident even if/when he recovers
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>>259519 based poopchud dodging the kike draft
>>259519 Yeah, he's done physically. Just lucky to be alive. He will have pain and always need these surgeries here and there. Still, he looks buff even after 1 month or however long it's been since the accident. That gives me hope that one can hold onto some muscle, even when you get an injury and have to stop working out for a couple weeks. You don't immediately lose your gains, in other words.
>>259510 >>259521 wow he lived?? good for him
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gods exterminate
>>259524 >>259527 Wash your boyfriend's dick. He looks dirty
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>>259529 imagine if you will, a little twink dud bean brown boy vin diesel lookalike on a romani shanty prison. The things that will happen to his rear.
>>259533 you like imaginging butt*****, don't you?
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>>259534 who doesnt?
imagine being a faggot that has to sweep by posting ***** and old ***** stars must be a glp mod
>>259522 he was in peak physical condition before, probably one of the only people that could survive what he went through
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Swedish Feminist Dating?! BLACKMAILED On Date?! Andrew Wilson (LATER)! E-GIRLS! | Dating Talk #207 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0gf-Onxzvk
>>259541 Rough lineup, must be really scraping the bottom of the barrel.
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>>259538 thats the most shovel faced gook ive ever seen
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>>259541 id ramon them all
i watched a bit of reviewtech's 'meltdown' stream it seemed like he just dropped nukes for hours straight smashing keem and boogie, the woman they brought on and the casino and then you watched the casino, and you can see they're fags coz they never actually let the guy speak when they play clips, they just pause it every 5 seconds I'm not sure what's going on with it all, whether it's all keyfabe drama, but to be honest the gang bang on reviewtech looks like total shill bullshit and astroturfed shit. It's like i'm watchign some kind of test to see how much shit shills can put out to do a caracter assasination or something. True, I have no idea why this guy decided to get so fat or delete his channel or give a shit about any of these soyed out shills in the fist place but yeah the guy slapped p p p and keem around with ease
who does p p p think he is >don't respond to me how bout you don't respond fat faggot lol
>he's just seething at people in the chat half the shit p p p says is shit he reads off chat
>>259549 KC recently scrubbed some of DSP's racism from back in the day for the stream they did with him, I'm not sure if the conflict with Rich is bickers of that or if the reason they keep bringing Philly on is to make him mad but its getting to where I think TheTheGatorGamerGamer actually likes DSP.
>>259552 I dunno, I dunno what about it makes me annoyed. I mean obviously there's no denying this is co-ordinated or somehow outsourced. This all seems to have happened bickers of a pay dispute, and it's gotten pretty low after that and it doesn't seem to be super low from rich's side exactly, I mean if you're digging into how many times someone went to the hospital to visit someone, I mean cmon. I just don't like these two, I don't like how low they go and I don't like who they're aligned with and I don't like how it looks like they're just tools
>>259552 kc didn't scrub it they just only played a few of many clips and called it a day
>>259555 One of these days, Jewsh Moonpie is going to cash in on his harem of hot Kiwi bitches. Lidl Drip is gonna drip all over him and he will get all the BPD hoes. There are quite a few of them too. I read the Styx thread daily and not even including Styx's 3 or 4 exes in that thread, there are a number of women there.
>>259556 Lidl drip is point blank a man. Doesn't even know what companies make costume jewelry vs real ones without google, and thinks buying make up for xmas gifts in October would result in expired product.
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>Lidl Drip
>lidl drip
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gods kill him
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>>259555 >>259556 >dude talking about the murder rates for women yesterday and the dv rates in S. Korea I don't know how he doesn't have back problems yet from all that groveling and pandering
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>>259571 what kind of "woman" can shotacon josh even pull?
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>>259573 I'm too fearful to look
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>>259574 hes gotta hoot and howl to women to get an ounce of pussy while the ramon just plows through like a lawnmower
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>>259571 https://rumble.com/v5jpdrx-mad-at-the-internet-october-22nd-2024.html?e9s=src_v1_u***** >Tipster got blocked by Keffals >KingCobra revenge *****ed >ReviewTechUSA has to be covered bickers Fatman and Retard do
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>>259578 >Null is being targeted bickers of /baph/
>>259578 >BMJ loves Bread (the band)
OH NO NO NO NO NO NO My ex is revenge *****ing me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_711JmjdVs
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>>259582 He still has a long way to go...
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>>259582 i don't like that
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>>259582 Jessica W
>you aren't cool if you aren't piling on whoever the multichannel corporate gaylord tells you do on an obscure knitting board no one is reading wait wait guys, has gym made a video about reviewtech yet ? What about a tweet, I need official clearance to do what i'm told by faggots
>>259589 he will or he will pay
>>259589 ??? Are you responding to a stream or something? Context?
>>259592 Probably the chomo casino going after Reviewtech.
>>259593 They are not live but I guess he is watching a replay of their last stream.
>>259594 Correction. Ok. They are live now. Or at least their 30 minute intro package.
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>>259591 >darwin awards making a comeback
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kenocasino will suffer in ramons hand
>>259596 His soul still exists and laughs within the kino filter realm.
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Snape and Harry Potter.
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>>259601 I'd have said retard Sonny and fat Cher, but close enough. Props to Dentski for the authentic scar.
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>>259605 >can someone figure out if it's the real guy Affirmative. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbkjX3E0IhuUfPzL0FjSPaw
>>259605 why does he call himself the mudshark tho??
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>>259607 shoulda have named himself the ramonguin
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I Return to You at the Turning of the Tide Sargoybros >we are so *****ing back https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ts0TSkdw-pE
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nool is loosing his monopoly on lolcow sites, posters are sick of jewsh BPD fits. theyve made multiple splinters, everyone knows about Kengel and Onion Farms, but now theres also skibidi.farms and lounge 96 https://3d96-4c08.com/index.php the latter of which has a comprehensive thread on nool thread here https://archive.fo/https://3d96-4c08.com/index.php?threads/joshua-conner-moon-null-ichverbot-iban-ibanz-ibanx-cityrpg-not-important-n-tech-2tsuki-work-in-progress.111/
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>>259620 Null will die at the end of the year ramon wills it
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>>259619 >Return I never left, collectivist
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>>259625 you know who returns?
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>>259626 Herpes simplex virus?
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>>259629 >seething about how difficult it is to fry potatoes someone has the iq of a G​AMERGATE
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>>259629 >balvin dup is real
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>>259633 (checked) Only those with a 70 IQ can't hack frying frozen potato slices >>259634 nuzachcoin on the rise
So whats going on with cuck lawyer as of late?
>>259636 his internet privileges were taken away by his parents after his DENIED DENIED DENIED franks hearing and his only appearances since then were a stream on his jewish friend's stream and a (probably) alcoholic meltdown a few days ago on twitter.
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>>259636 foursome with ramon
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>>259636 who knows
>>259643 I miss nuzach.
Styx ate a dried tarantula on yesterdays livestream. Complained about the lack of seasoning, so he slathered it with ketchup. "Yea with enough ketchup you can pretty much eat about anything" - Styxhexenhenhammer666 https://uploads.foxdickfarms.st/data/video/6544/6544558-8a1e1b0a8438601970deb7c06cc04ee5.mp4
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>>259647 A feast made after being wined and dined by ramon.
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>>259647 hes literally just eating ketchup with garbage mixed in
>>259647 Hapa bug eater. Styx down bad.
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>>259647 >"Yea with enough ketchup you can pretty much eat about anything" Mustard, you *****ing pleb. Not ketchup
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>Yea with enough lube you can pretty much ***** any asshole
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Tim Poole is having a baby and getting married to his bitch. So he had to fire all his employees. I guess the Russia money has dried up so he can't pay all his skateboarding friends, musicians, and female groupies that added nothing anyway.
>>259654 Maybe the takeaway is that Dim Fool's bitch wants all of his money for herself so all his employees had to go. And since they're getting married with a kid, all that money can go to her instead. Sorry Timcast employees! 😂😂😂
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>>259654 >>259655 >nothing of value was lost
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>Tim poole, you are NOT the father.
>>259658 >baby will have more hair than Tim
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>>259649 >>259651 >>259650 "you can eat anything with ketchup" Styx encouraging immigrants to eat cats with ketchup, showing his true colors.
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Whoever you are... If you can post more Sektur Tabletop audio that would be greaaaaaaaaaat.
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sektor gaytops
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>>259661 Brutal numbers even when he is trying to coast on other people's names.
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>>259667 >his most viewed videos are the irl streams where he can be seen and laughed at for his appearance and awkward social interactions
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>>259667 ramon gets more views
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Kino Casino fails to stream on prime time Friday night. 😌😌😌 >>259678 You just beat me to it by 20 seconds. You must be in RPGTV's chat. Hehe.
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>>259679 I stopped watching the fease over an hour ago saw posted it on 4chan
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>>259678 This is pretty *****ing dry. The Adin Ross interview was unironically more interesting.
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dup rogan
>>259682 Yeah. The last 10 minutes or so are decent where Rogan asks about UFOs and JFK's assassination. But Trump has nothing to say on these topics too.
so you all are dick riding Dup or what?
>>259689 balvin dup is real while momala is in shambles.
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cucklawyer caught using the hotwife's account
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>>259693 >hotterwife's account Ftfy
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>>259693 The true culprit.
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>>259695 Die Gayhoole
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if rekieta is on twitter all day who is *****ing his hotwife?
Hows transwoman farms doing these days, jewsh defends wamen like a retard every time hes on stream.
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>>259699 down bad with the women next on the chopping block.
>>259693 You're a complete *****ing idiot if you believe this desperate shit. ***** you for posting that cancer Kinochet tier account
>>259702 viagra pills stopped working, nick?
>>259702 You can always ask for his help nick
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cucklawyer admits the foursome was real by proxy
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>>259702 >seething wow it's real lmao nice can't wait for crackhead's locals stream tonight
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>>259705 its time
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>>259710 kill yourself nuzach
>>259713 he shit his pants and didn't do it i think they're back on some kinda drugs or something, the twitter cringe barrage was manic as ***** either that or kayla left with the ***** and triggered a meltdown
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mfw get to ***** nicks hotwife
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>>259717 Imagine how many diseases, yuck.
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>>259702 The ramon is immune to all of them
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its over
Why does every single *****ing post that is relevant to discussion have a reply from Ramoniggas? Please keep your gay middle aged ***** star in the Nutzach thread. This is the most retarded gay shit I've seen from an imageboard. I thought the goblin ***** was autistic, but at least the goblin lover didn't reply to every post.
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>>259728 where is goblinbro? havent seen him post in a while.
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>>259729 >where is goblinbro? havent seen him post in a while. pretty sure this is him >>259710
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>>259731 That is the guy who makes ai ga/hoole and sargn photos, the goblin man is >>259679 or >>259655
>>259727 >i'm not on any drugs at all >instinctively touches huge nose sure buddy lookin great btw not gay with aids
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>>259678 >396K kwalegfof (kek what a low energy geriatric failed orange fool)
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>>259739 >3 weeks can't break a million views >1 day 30 million views
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>>259740 ramon wills it
Styx has 4312 liveviewers / 509,000 subscribers watching a live Trump speech. That = 0.8468% of his audience. Literally less than 1% of his subs.
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>>259746 Built for BRC
>>259747 Ramonfag, please, use the Nuzach thread.
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you said my ramon rate was ok, it is merely a reaction image.
>>259748 Just start filtering them. It's spam the mods warned about then they laughed and continued spamming. You won't miss anything by filtering, there is not a single ramonfag post in the last week that did anything for any discussion. It's just G​AMERGATEs, and then thinly veiled excuses to post more G​AMERGATEs. The "reactions" don't even match and it's just the same spam. It's probably Nuzach being the main ramonfag, and then 2 anons from TVch thinking it was funny and joining in
>>259749 Yeah and it's getting a little high again, the reaction image isn't the problem, just that your posts seem to be minimal effort excuses to post the reaction images. Which is fine for the Nuzach thread, bait him all you want there, but that's not what this thread is for. Obvious Nuzachposting is deleted here anyway, so it's kind of a pointless exercize to begin with.
>>259754 k den
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coomerbros >we won
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the my jewish mother truck has arrived
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>>259769 I think they don't know the cameras are livestreaming all of this lol
>>259770 Nah, they just hoes that want the simpbux.
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>>259769 This hoe can't keep her clothes on
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>if you're gonna change do it in the bathroom BOOOOOOO
>>259758 >>259759 >>259762 >>259765 >>259767 >>259768 >>259772 >>259773 This shit is being posted by the same anon without context. Can someone explain the plot or is this just coomer spam?
>>259775 Jewish whore on Fishtank S3 They also have two G​AMERGATEs, they are both gay, and one already whipped his dick out and started jerking off in the first 24 hours.
>>259786 Sup Nuzach, you are more low energy and more pathetic than usual.
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>>259791 >Kys!!! You should follow your own advice and supposed dogma, Jewzach. >We all know you're a depressed old gaycel and *****, but not everyone here has a miserable life like yours despite you trying to spread your misery.
>>259803 And nobody loves you, ouch! Remember how you acted like a simp *****mer bickers Gahoogre casually replicated one of your posts? You got horny like someone who paypiggies for a Twitch bitch. That was pretty pathetic and gay.
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Mizzy update
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>>259776 Burt the big gay nig is a schizo
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>>259806 >>259807 Tactical ramon inbound
>>259806 thiiiiiiicccc
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>>259812 >y-y-you need to play by fair use Yeah...that's it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcdpNJDrFMM
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>>259813 Iirc paywall cocks is no different than non pay wall comment. Ask Sparkys Tech Corner
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Imagine the PLAPS
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>>259817 Is Weakload out of drug rehab?
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>>259819 Hopefully he gets out soon
>>259819 one man one job
>>259821 He's probably reporting you, lmao https://archive.ph/5KYu2#343251 >>259819 I thought he had stopped using drugs years ago.
>>259822 >I thought he had stopped using drugs years ago. I thought he just changed his meds and then entered rehab where he replied here a few times from rehab some months back
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gods kill this latinx N​IGGER
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<Nuzach back to spamming his 2 favorite negro ***** actors (Mandingo and Jules Jordan). Pathetic.
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>>259833 >thick lips
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<my collection of gay interacial ***** will own the nazis! Damn, I didn't realize Nuzach was 2017 Sargon the entire time.
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>>259833 shes asking for it
Ramonfag, I need you to curtain the majority of your ramonposts to the nuzach thread, if you use him as a reaction image and post something that's more than just <ramon would kill it That would be fine but the majority of your posts seem to just be an excuse to post ramon here. t. janny
>>259844 Well tell me a good rate of doing it then bickers im refraining myself from posting much and my posts and reaction doesnt seem very different from >>259834 and >>259810 Is there a tailored way of posting and reacting that suit your needs?
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>>259847 Well when you compare it to the other reactions I can understand your perspective since so much of the thread is offtopic, I just was trying to keep balance between the older posters of the thread. When half the thread becomes ramon in a thread that wasn't traditionally ramon your gonna piss off posters, perhaps if you make original cocks specific to the thread they wouldn't be as angry. Its not like I want to drive you off the thread or anything, I don't, I just want to keep everyone here happy.
>>259848 There are people like the goblin poster that pointed out that these threads are basically the wild west so i dont see much problem with me reacting with ramon.
>>259849 I can understand that point, however, you can at least spoil the more explicit images/videos like that one. Keep in mind I'm not the only janny here and they might not be as lenient as me, I think its important to try to assimilate to the thread and be less of a crossposter.
>>259850 But its pretty much censored to the standards of this thread, which is generally absolutely no censorship et all but you cant see anything naughty in the video making it funny.
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>>259851 Yeah I can also see what you mean by that, I get it, I wanna be clear that I don't even think other jannies are gonna ban you, I just know what the general sentiment is and I'd rather you try to adjust to it. On another topic, the main one. It kinda seems sad that Гунт is in another limbo state at the moment. I know his time as a big deal lolcow are long past, and his golden time as a lolcow are over half a decade over, but I wish I could see him do something crazy again before he finally burns out.
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>>259851 nah dat shit gay bro might not show anything but still gay but you do you I guess, you should take the fishtank goonpill and get on my level
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>>259849 His posts are actually in response to others where he contributes to the thread with discussion on the relevant topics. Your posts are >anon posts something >ramonG​AMERGATE***** >maybe a throwaway line saying ramon inbound or something else specifically related to your G​AMERGATE spam instead of the actual topic Even your counter in this post >>259847 you can very clearly see that anon in his many other posts has posted an actual variety, and most of it has been actual subjects or topics. Not self responses to your own reaction images and videos in order to have any excuse to spam the thread. To put it into context with your own argument mentioning the Goblin posts, it would be that anon responding to a topic or video <imagine if Styx or Rackets *****ed a goblin And then posting a goblin pic. They don't post like that and instead actually talk and contribute to the thread. Unlike every single Ramon reaction since the spam started. We actually had a nice update with Nicky Rackets threatening clip channels, and then it was drowned out with spam again by an outsider who has made 0 attempt on learning any of the lolcows, culture, or ever being on subject to the point it made mostly lurkers actually respond asking you to stop spamming. The only responses where you ever make a full sentence are responding to mods to try and excuse the random G​AMERGATE spam. If you stuck with the same ID, at least one could simply filter you and be done with it instead of repeatedly having to manually clean the thread of completely off topic spam from someone even cuckchan would bully and tell to ***** off with the off topic G​AMERGATE spam that even /b/ would think is too much G​AMERGATE spam
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>>259851 >>259849 >>259826 >>259820 >>259834 >>259843 >>259853 >>259817 >>259767 This has become the ***** thread. It started with the goblin poster who posted lolis getting *****ed, then the BBC/***** troll pretending to be Nutzach, and the Ramon memers who are worse than goblin guy and Nutzach. 1/3 of all posts are just ***** reactions. It's no longer relevant to lolcow news. Perhaps we should just make a separate ***** thread to quarantine the coomers. Clearly the Nutzach containment thread wasn't enough. We all know that big white Nazi supremacist KKK cocks are superior to the inferior brown cocks. Ramon and Mandingo can't compete with the Master Race's meat.
ahh the kino casino thinks they can move on the ufo community now, kinda mysterious that it took this long this one looks like a fake one they can start on, they are obviously still too pussy to actually alog will be interesting to see how it goes, but it's also kinda lame that they've fagged the sektor of all cocks so they go for the lowest hanging fruit available and that has just been sitting there for years
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Гунт disability arc is starting
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>>259863 >Ice T is a whiney faggot "It's not enough for you to like me. You have to be nothing but positive about all racial groups"
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>>259877 >>259878 only p e d o p h i l e s find dis bish attractive
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>>259879 >t. homo*****ualist
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metocuck is taking a break from his busy schedule dying for 4 years to announce his ump*****th final stream on halloween
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>>259879 nice projection
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>>259882 >hospice care
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>>259877 >>259878 imagine getting to ***** that
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ADDRESSING DRAMA?! She Set Her Boyfriends Car On FIRE?! Andrew Wilson! E-GIRLS! | Dating Talk #209 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXrGpXfJI9w
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>>259890 3&8 is hot Euro girl night
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>>259890 smash everyone
>>259894 even brian the host
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>>259895 >even brian this is ramonfag your replying to there, he *****s everything even a dead squirrel.... as he puts it " I killed it"
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how is the roastiecast tonight?
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>>259863 >Гунт is gonna love on welfare now as opposed to living on welfare from the jcaesar187amales exclusively So nothing has changed?
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some paypig just gave 3k to the roastie podcast
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>>259882 That is ridiculous. If you go on the Metocare thread on KF, there are a couple dissenting voices doubting his illness. But there are hordes more that trust and believe and go hard in the paint for daddy Gym. The fact that he's still firing up streams in his alleged state of constant pain is incredible. Weeks ago, he was talking about being in so much pain be begged to be put into a coma/knocked out. Btw his voice has never sounded sick on his streams, despite being sick for years. Like he is never congested or more nasally. What's funny is that there are people on his KF thread that admit that if he was lying about his illness, they wouldn't care. Now that is some brainwashing and parasocial investment.
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>>259904 the first sack coom pod user
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Mary likes it
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Jewshua said on stream that if you care about a woman's body count then you're an incel *****. He also said that he's a heckin TERF who hates men in women's spaces. A site that's famous for GamerGate and publicly shaming a woman for sucking dicks to get ahead, has been taken over by women and feminists who think men are insecure for caring about body counts.
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>>259926 And Jewsh's still a virgin? I wish I had cared more about a woman's body count since then I wouldn't have made as many errors in my relations with women.
>>259926 He is a thirsty bitch, just like his genetic dud partner from the old days. TheTheGatorGamerGamer Watkins did normify 8chan a bit but even so I am forever thankful to him for *****ing over Jewsh and The Dud.
>>259929 Oh, and Mark too! Haha. Fatass kike.
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damn mary let herself go...
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>>259925 Curry butt.
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why this fat disgusting pig hasn't killed himself yet really perplexes me, he has nothing really to live for, hes pretty much streaming day to day payments of around 100 dollars from adowolfs 1 dollar donos, he streams to less than 250 people regularly and his guests are like prespc and low quality guests while watching cnn and larping as a right wing conservative christian that hes not and doesn't agree with, his life is complete shit and now doesn't have a right arm and is a *****ing cripple, every stream is just a 10 hour trauma dump of his boring pathetic life and a ritualistic humiliation, do it piggertits >he dropped the grey filter and showed his beet red face hahaha
>>259934 i think he tried it and the rope broke and he landed on his arm, leading to his gimp arm and now being an invalid disabled cripple with a gimp hand to match his gimp eye
>>259935 Is beating up a cripple considered a hate crime?
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>>259934 I thought it was his left arm he crippled?
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>>259931 One man's poison is another man's poisson
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remember jewshua gaytor moon theres always someone you can ask for help if the whole male feminist angle fails
Jewsh Moonpie showed his IP address on stream for a second yesterday. The IP shows him being in Warsaw, Poland. But I think it's just a VPN anyway so the IP data isn't good. Just thought I'd share anyway.
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>>259941 I looked up the address in the header before and was listed as rumble, so I assumed it was the RMTP streaming server and forgot about it. At a guess they're both proxy servers for the main site, and that's a mod banner. Maybe xenforo or an add-on, and it doesn't take X-Forwarded-For into account.
>>259941 mevspace is a vpn and server space company, definitely not his real ip, but it does make sense to use a polish server if you're somewhere in eastern europe.
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Ryan Dawson is being paid by Andrew Tate to run damage control. He's literally a paid shill. Reminder that most Jewtubers are paid shills and their purpose is to get large enough to sell out their audience to the highest bidder. Another example is Styxhexenhammer. Right now, he is urging his 509K audience to vote for Trump. Why does a self-proclaimed libertarian with the moral code of "Do as thou wilt" care who you vote for and whether you vote at all? He is urging you to vote like your life depends on it and to grab that reluctant friend off the couch and bribe him with food to get him to vote. This is very weird. Then again, Styx commands mother so that is not libertarian either. Just another paid shill hypocrite. They're all rotten down to the core.
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>>259941 josh said he was connected to the "kebab shop wifi"
>>259944 >Another example is Styxhexenhammer. Right now, he is urging his 509K audience to vote for Trump That's more the root of his relevance like 2016 though. It would be a clear financial incentive, but that's probably moreso market demand steering the cocks than sponsorship. Occultist gardening isn't going to pay the legal fees.
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>>259944 >Why does a libertarian care who you vote for and whether you vote at all? This is very weird. They're all rotten down to the core. I have to agree and to be honest I'm kinda giving up on commenting really anymore. Shitty corrupt sites like GLP flat out admit they only want you posting if they can sell out your data (by their actions, not their words which are complete lies). It does feel like you're on crazy pills by the end bickers people like Styx or Wilcock look for all money like they're trying to sabotage Trump while pretending to glaze him, same with the whole Q bs to be honest. Trump hasn't called any of it out a single time though and Trump also basically never really does what he says and you combine it with the whole you can't criticize a certain group thing thing where they seem to be comfortable wallowing in some fear based environment where everyone knows but instead of being diplomatic about it they make it all worse by being as shitty as possible, who knows, maybe that's all d&c too. The alt media space though is so incredibly full of bullshit, and yes it is technically at a point where it's misinfo, but the other side, the government doesn't care about getting real info out either so you've only got a baby with the bathwater scenario if it all gets shut down. Ahh it's *****ed hey. Can you imaging the level of justice that could be meeted out to all this grift if anyone decent ever got in charge ? haha.
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>>259953 They all look like they belong in pic related
>>259953 I hate this shit so much. It's so preachy and moralizing. It feels like TheTheGatorGamerGamer Sterling wrote it. It drips of tranny narcissism.
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>>259953 >this is how you get a 9/10 on ign looks like another flop in the making
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>>259956 > It feels like ... Sterling wrote it. his bestie wrote it
>>259953 People don't talk like this. Nobody has ever had a conversation like this in the history of mankind. It's not just strangely uncanny it's like being brain washed to think humans interact in ways that just doesn't and never happened
>>259962 It tends to happen
>>259941 josh said he was streaming with ppp, (disgusting land whale pig women shoe collector )and andy Toad McKinley, (sweaty gamer, loser, crackhead) about amercian politics lol, josh has completely fallen off >its not a surpise being friends with chris chan, a literal mother *****er and rapist
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>>259956 Thought about this morning and realized it's so stupid bickers if you have time to do 10 push ups you have time to apologize to someone so it drives home how trannies don't want people to say sorry they want a pound of flesh and think that's reasonable
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>>259953 Trannies are no worse than the average woman. They're all whores with ***** on the internet. They've all been *****ed Chad and Tyrone. 100 years ago people hated gays and whores equally. I understand Jewsh's seething hatred bickers he was raised by a feminist, but I often skip the MATI tranny segments it's basically "trannies are degenerate". Like no shit, really? Dragon Age always hate this diversity crap. I remember Spoony's ex-girlfriend April used to goon over the horned demon species, like the one in the video. No cares that something is woke and gay until they add a tranny. I already gave up on pozzed media before they started transing it, so it's funny to me when people like Jewsh and Melonie Mac are like "oh noes there's a trans now, we can't play this game anymore chat". It's like the conservatives in the 90s saying Mortal Kombat was corrupting the youth. ***** does a lot more to ***** with people's brain chemistry. ***** and ***** ***** is why so many trannies exist. Jewsh doesn't talk much about it on stream bickers it would upset the feminist audience who support ***** workers and OF models. I support AI generated ***** more than real ***** bickers there's less of an ethical dilemma. There's a parasocial aspect to watching real people *****ing that encourages trooning and whoredom. Humans tend to copy what they see others doing, so of course ***** will copy adults. It's a deeper issue than just the inclusion of trans in games.
>>259967 *Dragon Age always had diversity bullshit
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>>259967 >two meds had a blonde daughter >Sonny Bono *****ed his daughter And Cher wasn't 18 when losing her virginity either. Good post. Pandering Jewsh PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON&apos;T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD
>>259962 Had a quick look at their website. By "adult toys" to they mean actual explicit ***** toys or heckin' funko pops?
>>259967 One man cant discern the difference between the two,,,
>>259953 >>259959 >it's the "i have a vagina now" guy Yeah, that makes sense.
>>259965 https://www.youtube.com/live/Q0pNB-3ux7s Andrew Wilson discussing Dup with Cuckstiny
>>259967 >***** and ***** ***** is why so many trannies exist. Jewsh doesn't talk much about it on stream bickers it would upset the feminist audience who support ***** workers and OF models. He will occasionally talk about how much he hates whores. And he can barely hide his thinly-veiled pure hatred of women when talking about whores. But I guess it goes under the radar bc it's usually less than a 1 minute rant and then he moves on. But sometimes he oscillates between feminist simpery for women and pure hatred for women but he keeps the hatred hidden better.
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>>259977 (checked) >eat shit paypigs: here's more Jade merch
>>259977 >>259978 >watching *****fur when you could be watching jewsh or chemo casino + DSP instead
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>>259973 Thanks Andrew. I was listening to that debate you yanked down. Why even bother doing this? To edit the clips to make yourself look better? Why not just unlist them? >>259979 >>259977 Funny thing is these grifters are all doing Halloween streams in primetime. Meanwhile, I'm going trick or treating with nieces and nephews and walking around town in crisp Autumn air and then chilling with extended family. So it kind of exposes *****less Metocare and 500 lbs Asston and Wortski the abortionist and *****less DSP and *****less incel Jewsh as having no family/lives. Oh well, I'll caught these reruns later.
>>259980 >Thanks Andrew. I was listening to that debate you yanked down. Why even bother doing this? To edit the clips to make yourself look better? Why not just unlist them? He did it to me too when I was a few minutes late towards the end of the stream. It's worse: He sticks it behind his paywall.
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>>259977 keep talking metocare
>>259965 METH!! METH!! METH!! HOLY *****IN LOOK AT THAT JAW back in the day i knew actual, literally homeless meth addicts that would be absolutely mortified to be seen with a jaw that bad. this is years and years of unchecked stimulant *****, tiny is cooked. his brain must be totally necrotic by now
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>>259977 37,000 LIVE VIEWERS wtf i don't believe that
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>>259985 if that's the case then trump better *****ing win
>>259985 >post naked So is that word play or ghetto brain grammar?
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>>259984 Settle down Candle Jack. You're not pulling Fortnite numbers tonight.
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>>259985 >if trump wins ill collab with trans500 christmas wdsmbt
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Even gaytor got sick of the deathbed routine. It's ogre.
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>>259987 Both? Although she probably thinks she will be clever >"I did post while naked, guys! I didn't say I would post pictures of myself naked! Hahahahaha! Fooled you!"
>>259984 >>259988 >2 hours cancer-cackling at kingcobra >1 hour of superchats
>>259994 meanwhile jewsh did a bait and switch where he pretended like he was going to do a halloween stream then did a coachredpill one instead that was actually pretty kino
>>259988 I thought he was dying painfully... I guess it is a Halloween miracle! It is so generous of TheTheGatorGamerGamer to stream despite his condition. This shameless hypocritical whore truly is a treasure.
>>259990 Cardcaptors? Gaytor's paedophilia knows no bounds!
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>>259993 pay up Brittany
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>>259983 How else do you think he gets the edge in all those debates? His mind is on a stimulant drug, which lets him think faster and crunch reddit data quicker. Higher verbal IQ. Ritalin is a stimulant, as is meth. But you cannot overclock your brain for years with no consequence. No such thing as a free lunch. >>259981 >Andrew Wilson puts stuff behind paywall now after sucking off Whatever podcast and bumping his numbers. God that is sickening. >>259984 Return of the king? (of the sector) >>259985 Lame engagement-farming. And trying to ride Trump's coattails like everybody else. How 'bout you blow your brain out if Trump wins, Muttni? That would be more interesting. >>259988 What does this mean? Was someone botting him? I couldn't catch it live to see for myself. >>259990 Lmao. What's the matter, Gaytor? You don't wanna stay for the stupid-chats to hear daddy read yours aloud? I think Mint is his Oshi. >>259997 What is cardcaptors? I don't get it.
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Some wholesome Halloween cocks courtesy of *****rens gambling platform kick.
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>>259987 >>259993 >>259985 >>259999 I'm not exactly pro-***** bickers 90% of it is extremely Jewish anal trans blacked fetish shit and paying goblins like Muttni to see saggy tits is cringe. Muttni wont show titties, if she did it'd be the biggest heel turn since Hulk Hogan joined the NWO. She has complained about ***** and men consuming ***** for years since all over her exes got tired of ***** with her. Men like firm ass and titty. Muttni is almost 30, everything is sagging. Only simps that have been orbiting her since 2015 will date her now. The days of bagging a Chad are Joever. Why would I vote for an old man to see a pair of old used up titties? Muttni using her body as ̶p̶r̶o̶p̶a̶g̶a̶n̶d̶a̶ political endorsement is just sad even if she has no intention of ever following through. However I do think ***** can be used for ̶p̶r̶o̶p̶a̶g̶a̶n̶d̶a̶ educational proposes to counteract BBC demoralization posters.
>>260007 *educational purposes
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>>259999 > How 'bout you blow your brain out if Trump wins, Muttni? That would be more interesting. I would actually go vote if it meant seeing that >>260006 >dumb G​AMERGATEs are dumb Bossmanjack crowd on life support >>260007 >the hottest Muttni has ever looked <it's cg HA!
>>259999 >What is cardcaptors? I don't get it. It's an anime about a 10 year old that likes to play dress up.
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>>259995 yeah that's what he does is stream about a dead person on halloween >>259996 >cheerful and chipper happy voice with high energy during the stream <superchat time very painful and tired i gtg i am wearing a turtle shell btw ***** this faggot >>259999 (checked) > you cannot overclock your brain for years with no consequence yeah i'm just saying he's showing symptoms of heavy ***** that even a homeless junkie would be ashamed of >>260006 don't blow that shit in my face nigga
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>>260015 >yeah that's what he does is stream about a dead person on halloween Wrong, cumchugger! Where ever there is kino, Coach Red Pill still lives!
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>>259995 https://rumble.com/v5kblml-mad-at-the-internet-october-31st-2024.html?e9s=src_v1_u***** >Burbank is smack dab between LA and SF It's 7 miles north of downtown LA, dummy
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>>260017 >Roosh V was CRP's mentor BBBBASED
>>260017 1:08:06 /cow/ mentioned
https://www.youtube.com/live/KizU-bCkFtE OMG! Millennial boomer takes with Roastie Mayo
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>>260020 OMG! The geriatric mother is on the road again leaving the newborn to suckle off the tit of her stay at home simp husband
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>>260022 that horseface is looking as bloated as nuzach
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>>260024 Pre menopause and eating too much shit after you bag the simp will do that to an opportunistic thot.
This post was in the Metocare thread about him streaming on Halloween. Why would this female poster care if Metocare was streaming at the same time? It's not like one cannot catch either stream later. Unless perhaps this is Jewsh Moonpie's sock account where he pretends to be a man-hating feminist female. And Jewsh cannot contain his seethe that he prepped a Halloween stream with CRP kontent just to have his viewers stolen away by a dying crippled sperg selling hats.
>>260021 haunting picture, seeing his arm just makes it too real, he is a real crippled nigga now
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>>259993 We already got them. >>260027 It is honestly depressing to see the Гунт decline like this.
why is josh talking to ip hypocrite, former junkie and loser https://cozy.tv/lporiginalg/replays/2024-11-01_1
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>>260034 bugman, based, redpilled, based, based reddit, hes similair to the quarterpounder
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>>260026 Jewsh to Metocare be like:
>>260037 Always gotta love jewsh's seethe at metokike, that he is simply better at manipulating paypigs than him.
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>>260038 He should've invested in a voice changer mic so he doesn't sound like a weepy faggot
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>>260038 He always try to hide the fact that he sucks Gym's dick on the side but you can see it with his whiny bitching that he is yearning to be the next one in the throne.
>>260040 He sucks gym's dick when it makes him more money but can't help in hiding his distaste for him. The fact that it is all bickers muh shekels is even more the annoying.
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>>260042 Funny bickers he was in the middle of dedicating a stream to how he's queen bee for triumphing over coach's prediction of him being poor and alone, just to get swatted down the chain. He just wants to live the live of a prom queen for one day. Not sure why he picked Halloween as his special night is all.
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>>260044 This guy used to just be a semi based star craft player now he's obviously a shill that 'debates' other shills to a completely delusional level. He gets gassed up as some kind of intellectual hero when any non-delusional person off the street could smash him in under 10 seconds and the irony is he would assume anyone that does beat him in under 10 seconds is schizophrenic but the only difference between him and a person in a psych ward is money if incontrol faked his death he needs to come back to fix destiny
and before someone mentions fuentes fuentes is only slightly better in that he gets to say things after everyone else has been stalked and banned. That's intellectually / debate wise of course. As far as coming across as a likeable person fuentes just can't seem to help grinning like a homo*****ual all the time, you know how there's resting bitch face ? He seems to have some kind of effeminate dupers delight expression on his face. I don't wanna be harassed for saying this, I mean how is it not an observable fact ? One other thing in my opinion, if he hasn't fuentes needs to like completely 100% distance himself from milo, like if I was him and I had nothing to do with whatever that weird tran*****ual/homo*****ual shit is in new york i'd be saying it emphattically coz that's is like cringe weirdness on a level anyone with a brain is gonna wanna get the ***** away from at 2000000000000 miles an hour.
>>260038 he sat on chris chan being a sweaty gamer and mother rapist, this is his friend, i wonder if he still gives him money, no wonder hes streaming with andy a sweaty gamer and ppp a disgusting disability claimant >>260021 just end it already piggertits, what a gross red faced pig, how do you wake up each day and continue
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>>260044 Destiny rn
>>260035 no kiwi thread, josh cocksucker confirmed
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gods destroy the latinx
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>retard vs retard spergfest
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lol what a shitty list of random twitter users, make it a good stream pigtits and slit your wrists
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>>260067 >MILO >Adam Green >Dick Masterson >Mark Collett
>>260070 >>260067 The list of "guests" is just the list of retards that are still his buddies and will overlook anything no matter what. For a little exposure to 200 retards or bc they themselves are drug-addled rapists that beat their wives. Where is Styx and RamZPaul? They are some of his biggest cock-suckers. But even they can't be bothered. >Nov. 5 This loser thinks anyone wants to go on his irrelevant show on election day? Ok, I answered my own question. Styx isn't going on this loser's show on election day. He's got his own livestreams. Although I'm sure the Gvnt begged him to appear in DM's like a bitch before being being turned down.
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>>260067 >>260070 >>260072 Speaking of guests, Feaser failed to show on his Halloween appearance on the Keelstream. Then isn't on the list. Hmm...
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>>260067 they all say the same exact shit and have been doing so for 8 years and probably the next 8, if they live that long, in piggertits case, no way he lives another 8 years
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the secret guest:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQxeRphQ02M >Roastie can't even break 1k with Ann Colt-er
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Jewsh Moonpie has a meltdown in the KF Nintendo Switch thread about Japan. And someone accuses him of jerking it to some character from Animal Crossing. Source thread if you care: https://foxdickfarms.st/threads/nintendo-switch-currently-plagued.25165/page-567
>>260080 Jewsh seems reasonable in these screenshots.
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>>260081 >(1) Okay, Jewsh
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>>260080 hypocritical trollshielding tactics from jewsh as usual, this ***** was a global mod on 8chan created 9chan and 16chan. oh yeah, and jerks off to neko shota.
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>Oh my god jewsh what are you doing in these streets <just call me lidl drip honey
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>>260088 (checked) > lidl drip
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>>260089 Are you saying Lidl Drip is TheGatorGamer? >>260088 Think about it. No one cares about or is autistic about, that SlobberMutt dog avatar except for Jewsh. To us, it's just a shitty dog avatar. Whoop dee do. But for Jewsh, it's his symbol that he is probably nostalgic about after running KF for years. What kind of real woman would put this as her avatar where the dog is being lovingly tickled and adorned by the cute girl? It's like an artist or author putting a self-insert in his book or comic where the author has a harem of females that all want his attention. People also say that those that argue with Lidl Drip always end up with a pink triangle or get banned. Hmm. I wouldn't be surprised if Jewsh was doing some weird larp, split-personality thing where he roleplays as a female and it's a *****ual thing. Which would explain feminist simp Jewsh. When his retard simp feminist side slips out on stream, he's merely letting us see Lidl Drip, which he controls in-character. Wasn't it proven several years ago, that Jewsh was caught on an LGBT forum?
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>>260090 the dog is alfred alfer from nools not so unrequited love emily youcis. a lot of his orbiters use a version of it, i think lidl is another nool dickrider.
>>260090 meant to add, he lets female users pull shit male users get permab& for.
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>>260090 >Are you saying Lidl Drip is TheTheGatorGamerGamer? No. I'm saying the only person I've ever seen discuss Lidl Drip is TheGatorGamer
>>260092 Daddy issues and momma's boy
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the gaiymo is active on onion farms as https://www.torify.netfarms.com/members/thefrogninja.433/ i mentioned it in hsi thread here, ( >>260098 ) since it' sektur related i figured i would mention it here.
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>>260099 >dayimo
>>260099 How do you know that account is Daiymo? I read the Jewsh thread on OnionFarms on and off and that frog poster is one of the best Jewsh alogs and posters. Inb4 you claim I'm Daiymo. >>260096 Ok. Well lots of people discuss Lidl Drip on the OnionFarms Jewsh thread these days.
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>>260101 similar posting styles, very similar account themes on kf and of.
the timestamps are 4 hours apart from here so pretend they were made at 5:39 here
>>260101 >Ok. Well lots of people discuss Lidl Drip on the OnionFarms Jewsh thread these days. And the main person I've seen discuss Onionfarms is also TheGatorGamer
>>260096 so ugly so fat > fat people aren't *****ing human
>>260080 why does josh do damage control for ppp, he was deleting detractors making threats to locate ppp and beat the shit out of him, why would josh stop this
>>260109 josh loves his fat disgusting subhuman pigs like ppp and his fat women
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>>260109 Feeder fetish. TheTheGatorGamerGamer is so blubbery as to be an androgynous woman/troon. In hijab he could pass as Chantal. Also there is a mutual grift between Queerhole Casino and Mad at the internet
>>260109 ppp is a trans man he doesn't have a dick, hes a dickless fat dyke
>>260109 josh wants to be liked. it doesn't matter that he's previously said he wants nothing to do with ppp after he lied about jewproject2.
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>>260113 They should redeem themselves by somersaulting onto a meatgrinder
>>260109 It is not only Jewsh, I bet Autistic Right has a big deal to do with that. Remember he was in DMs with Gaytor and Gaystorian X, following their commands by trying to suppress and start narratives at their will. And he likely still is, while also including Asston and Tarski as new masters.
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>>260116 no doubt trannymura is also involved. his file (messages) with gaystorian x was the largest.
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has twatter become the sektur? All the commies and trannies on twatter are gone and its left with boomers, grifters, sektur people, duppers, and mainstream liberals.
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>>260121 Yes. R/The_Donald/ lives on the Twatters, mang
>>260109 but sweeps for a fat worthless retard who lives on canadian walfare, why and andy lol a *****ing sweaty gamer with a fake pretend girlfiend, probably a trannie, ppp's in to trannies and is one, josh is a virgin and is obsessed with trannies
>>260105 >Lidl Drip You must be E-lane. >Onion Farms You muts be E-lan. >The sky is blue. You must be e-lane. If your entire worldview is Ellaaaiine, then I suggest getting out more. >>260113 Jewsh really doesn't care about being liked. He bans thousands of people on his forum for either no reason or little reason. And ofc cries when Twitter bans him, bc hypocrisy. If you are Kino Casino and have clout and paypigs for Jewsh, then I guess he wants to be liked. Otherwise, he doesn't care about being liked. He constantly asserts his lame opinions and spergs at everyone. He likes to brag that KF had 5K users awhile back but they probably would have had 10K users if Jewsh didn't ban and run everyone off to splinter sites. >>260116 The sector made a mistake by allowing Jewsh Moon to concentrate power in the foxdick farms. And to have a monopoly on the flow of information and narratives. He's a horrible dictator and not fit to run anything. The KF needs to be decentralized or outcompeted by competitors. Eventually, there is going to be no one left but Jewsh and Lidl Drip and a couple hundred paypigs and dicksuckers with too much investment like accounts with 100,000 posts on them. >>260121 For you. Twitter is bigger than this but they pigeonhole you into what they think you wants to see.
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>>260125 The mistake of the century is all the users foxdickfarms gained.
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>>260125 >he doesn't care about being liked More accurately, if he were to choose between being feared and liked, he wants to be feared. But also sympathised with. Like John Wick if he killed his own dog.
>>260127 No TheTheGatorGamerGamer wants to be liked so badly it's pathetic. He is not a based doesn't give a *****, he is mad that he never got invited to the cool kid table when he's just so much better than everyone else so will make his own table and has no understanding that the reason people call him names and shit is his behavior not some of perceived outsider label he has a chip on his shoulder about. TheTheGatorGamerGamer is not a rebel. He's a failed everyman who would see the system destroyed and replaced with himself not an improvement.
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>>260125 >If your entire worldview is Ellaaaiine, then I suggest getting out more. Or you could just be less like TheGatorGamer. I haven't followed anything she has done in awhile since jcaesar187 would salivate all over her on stream.
Won’t say how I know, but I do have access to parts of KF most people do not Lidl is Null. Nearly all the other staff members know and just go along with it.
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>>260131 My diagnosis is that you are fake and gay if you dont post proof to PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON&apos;T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD foxdickers.
>>260127 he takes pity on fat pigs like dsp, wings, ppp and does major damage control on those boards, they way hes friendly toward asston pigs is like there is a missing connection, like they chat about troons in private
>>260127 I don’t think he even wants to be feared, just respected & adored. It replaces the love he never had as a *****.
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is canada making these ppp size xxxxxxxl
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>>260135 >andrew wilson is on too ok now THIS is kino I haven't watched the roastie cast in a few weeks but I'll return for this
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roasts of the cucktable
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>>260142 someone is seething
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>>260148 >is clearly seething over based ramonchad <n-no you're seething you're a big guy
>>260149 Explained this to whatever Zach faggot it was but people are not seething at you retard. If they slap a mosquito they aren't seething at it, getting bit over and over is annoying so you might curse when you hit it finally. You're a mosquito and it's the only attention you'll ever get in your pathetic life
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>>260150 whatever cope you need to tell yourself to sleep at night
>>260153 He kept bragging about having ***** twenty years ago and being an engineer, but he's online all day even sleep deprived in constant rage. He is "le epic le joker!" https://archive.ph/AjXmC
>>260130 Or you could just stop thinking about E-lane, since she still has nothing to do with the subject matter, despite this 3rd attempt to insert her into it. >>260131 Big bombshell, if true.
>>260152 Are you attached to hideous ***** stars bickers you're his gonorrhea become sentient here to burden the internet as you did him?
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>>260135 shieeeet deese 2 nigguhs bringun back bloodsports
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>>260155 Or you could just stop thinking about E-lane, since she still has nothing to do with the subject matter, despite this 3rd attempt to insert her into it. Or you could get over yourself, and lighten the ***** up
roastie podcast is funny tonight
>>260164 Brian almost got in his own way at certain points for me, but yeah in general it was pretty good. I forgot how fukking annoying Nala is
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ramon has to take refuge from the cold takes of metocare now
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>>260164 i havent watched since andrew wilson joined the panel, i dont need or want some desperate MRA to 87F0 every non-point one of the thots make. i liked it better when theyd let them fall over themselves trying to make a point.
is ppp dead lol
>>260170 Probably just in the hospital with sepsis again from all the bodypaint his brother had to slather all over him.
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actually actually actually actually actually actually actually actually actually actually actually fat *****ing pig still squealing over his 1 inch micro cock baahahahahahaha
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>>260176 jcaesar187 monstercock
>>260176 he needs to convince adowulf he has an 8 inch cock
>>260178 uWu I'm just a wittle autistic girl who can't leave my bedroom
>>260181 the filters don't work in real life.
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>>260182 Indeed
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyN-O0gWkOE >I didn't take her to my room So you *****ed her in the sauna?
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pigtits homemade gimp brace haha perma damage
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>>260186 >cog is the only channel to have that stream I don't know about that champ. Unless Cog's catfishing weebs, I keep scrolling and can't see him.
>>260183 still would stick my musket in her teepee
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>>260189 ramonate the bish
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why is pigboy streaming gay ***** on rumble >rumble is supergay so you cant flag him >pig watches gay***** again, just a right wing conservative larper
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>>260188 (checked) My real point was I don't recognize who the ***** this faggot is. And how the ***** would he know if he was the first to have the stream up? And so *****ing what? Lots of people, myself included, were there when it happened live
>>260187 We need to seriously speculate about his arm injury. That is not normal. To have nerve damage where you are paralyzed in your body part. Saturday Night Palsy / Radical nerve damage from falling asleep on a body part. Especially when you are drunk. The key part is being so inebriated that you are not conscious enough to wake up and move it bc it feels like pins and needles. I guess ol' Piggertits is probably still pretending he's sober and breathing into the breathalyzer to show how sober he is while his arm has nerve damage from sleeping on it while drunk for hours. 😁😁😁 And guess what? The breathalyzer detects alcohol so if you're abusing Xanax, it will show 0.0 BAC as it should. I imagine that Xanax (pillstreams) can also lead to Saturday Night Palsy. Here are some other theories. Maybe he got so depressed he tried to kill himself but then bailed halfway through and got permanent nerve damage in his arm after he got the noose off his neck. Maybe he was chasing the ultimate coom and tried to do autoerotic asphyxiation by choking himself with a noose while jerking it. But then he passed out and woke up when he was close to death. So only his arm got paralyzed. Of course, these are wild speculations and I think I accept the tame explanation that he's just drunk or spaced out on Xannies leading to the radial nerve palsy. This one doesn't violate Occam's Razor since one is not having to introduce new assumptions or variables to complicated the picture. Autoerotic asphyxiation assumes that he's chasing *****ual pleasure and likes choking himself. Committing suicide via hanging assumes that he is currently suicidal, which I don't see any indication of. Occam wins again!
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>>260192 Oh that. No idea either. I guess he thinks that bickers it's a well known stream his role has more value, even though bickers of that fact multiple people would have their own independent copies. The real strategy is to sit on the bybs vods, wait 20 years, then paydirt.
>>260193 he got into a buscrash
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p p p and anday wearing their real uniforms today looks like their multichannel network has authorized them to go after wilcock lol
Styx continues shilling for Trump. He predicts Trump victory tomorrow. Reminder he got his prediction wrong in 2020. 😂 >B-b-but muh election fraud.
if the KC is going to cover wilcock they will be moving in on Hidden in plain sight's territory but they could always cover the KC, it's not like you can't make fun of p p p and anday sentence by sentence
Gayden's gaming streams getting DOMINATED.
>>260183 tell your chieftain i will trade two bottles of firewater for that squaw
>>260176 oh my pig, looking like this, no wonder he hides his pig ugly red face through a black and white filter, he might as well turn his camera off, nobody wants to look at his pig face, not even cheap mexican prostitutes with hepatitis, which explains his tomato red skin >>260199 the mentally disabled and clinically overweight should be sterilized
>>260187 hes moved his camera slightly to obfuscate his gimp left side and hes still wearing his cheap silly glasses to his his gimp eye after 3 years *****ing hahahaha
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>>260202 gayden if he was relevant
>>260191 >why is the manpig who married a tranny watching gay ***** A mystery that might never be solved.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USw1IDpKWR8 andrew wilson discusses cucklawyer and the sektur with alex stein
>>260191 >>260210 ask rumble [email protected] why they support gay ***** on their dead platform filled with faggots > if pigtits got banned for his big political stream covering the election to 200 viewers
>>260213 >RINO Alex Stein weighs in Hard to believe Andrew is friends with Assload except when you remember they are both loud and bombastic types and Fatman appears to know his Bible. >Styx is new to the sector Only to Elissa Clips/ Queerhole Casino Kiwifags >>260203 You better look like Daniel Dae Kim if you want to get anywhere
>>260215 "the sektur isn't dead! we got great, fresh cocks mocking jcaesar187 for being fat! we got algorithm dickriders like meme copium riding high on the rekieta beat!"
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>>260217 a new challenger approaches
>>260218 is it gay to ramonpost since he's *****ed trannies?
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>>260217 That too >>260219 It's zesty as all *****ing get out >>260213 3:45:26 https://www.youtube.com/live/HFAw6j-dFQA >Feduentes isn't a fed >t. Andrew Wilson If not, he's the most useful idiot ever.
>>260220 >>260221 from a cursory glance it looks like ramon loves *****ing trannies more than women so i'm calling ramonposting gay.
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>first time voting in 2 years Gaytorbro is nothing if he doesn't have his word. Thought you said you were moving though.
>>260215 It is pretty much dying. The only people kinda covering it are the KC, and they can put as many wigs on and apply as much makeup as they like but on some there's a basic problem. p p p hollering like he's an expert on the internet or the 'lolcow''s dad is fundamentally not entertaining p p p is a strange character for real, at times he does come across like he's speaking with real conviction but the words coming out of his mouth are obviously disingenuous trolling. I theorize, does p p p not actually really enjoy the shilling segments that are required for his employ ? Is the rocking back and forth what he does to psyche himself up ? To break through the petty squabbling of his conscience ?
>>260225 > Is the rocking back and forth what he does to psyche himself up ? I think it's autistic stimming. He did it sitting on Surfer's couch too.
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>>260224 in the forest i will be waiting brian
>>260224 infowars don't seem to treat some of their people right gayto should have a 10 million dollar mansion from all the sucking up / "playing the heel" he has done for years now
it makes sense that it's been perspicacity shitting up the board with gay *****stars all along
>>260225 triple fat ass has nothing to offer, no entertainment value, he just reads from foxdickfarms and has writers lol, he cant even handle money, andy the peeedo hides the earnings to the canadian government wont cancel triple pigs welfare payments
>>260221 Funny that Andrew Wilson defends Fuentes against Fed accusations. But says Patriot Front are def feds. With no explanation. Almost like Andrew's a fed too! The other fat guy says PF are feds bc they're physically fit. Wow.
>>260231 >Almost like Andrew's a fed too! Perhaps. Or a useful idiot
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oh2qgGJYHe4 >Whatever Election Stream Brian looking like a transman in the thumbnail
>>260233 website fixes trannies fatties rekieta bossman piggertits election reddit segment cocking sucking superchats
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>>260235 Well he might also have Fatman and Retard cutting in too
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Pippa negated Gaytor's vote. SORRY GAYTOR
>>260234 >Brian is pro cumdup probably a bit but I wouldn't be surprised in fact of course
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WOOOAAAHHH CHAYAT. It's time for possibly Metocares last election. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJiAbjrge-g
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>>260240 Didn't this faggot just do a stream?
i don't wanna watch KC on election night but after being subjected to the jcaesar187a glazing trump and his guest non-stop and in as many ways as possible is just too much at least with the KC they mostly glaze jd vance bickers he's obviously their deep state guy
>>260240 meanwhile jade...
>>260244 shoot yourself
wow, andy is wearing a dress, what's next a black eye
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Sorry but i'm not buying 30k watching smuckles.
>>260247 Styx is claiming to have over 10K watching but this appears to be false. He's on youtube, rumble, and twitter. He's got like 5200 on youtube, 2500 on Rumble, but he's counting 4500 views on his Twitter, but those are not livestream viewers. Those are just people that clicked the link at some time. There are like 2 people commenting on his Twitter so that's def not 4500 people. I'd say he's got 7700 liveviewers.
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Metokur getting botted close to 100K and some of these are real election tourists viewers too.
>>260248 It's all very fake and gay.
>>260249 dup will win
ramon wills it
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>>260250 why would those be bots? i'd bet those are all genuine sweepy squad viewers.
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>>260254 It seems the bots have all fallen away, revealing the real numbers.
Styx is drunk or on drugs. Hahahaha.
>>260256 I hope there is a woman within arms distance then.
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milo is live with r4lph, if anyone is into that.
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>>260250 Hospices now a days must be crowded. Metocare is so stunning and brave, imagine risking your fragile health just to share with us his hot takes on the election.
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>>260260 He's on a long waitlist for a woman to change his diapers for him
>>260261 It's now genuinely hard to believe that people used to fear Metocare. They were so scared he would fire up a stream and light 'em up to 15K viewers. But now he's confined to a zero-g gamer chair clicking around on his computer as all his bones break and in constant pain. Kind of like Stephen Hawking or Professor X if he didn't telekinetic powers and was in constant pain. Lmao.
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>>260263 now its his turn
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>>260258 total pig death, pigtits has no point to his life, he just sits and larps as a political commentator and right winger despite having homos and jews on as guests with no following or presence >what do you expect being spawned through two deadbeat junkies with inter-generational poverty and government handouts and he himself is a low iq crackhead, fat, disgusting, inferior genetics
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the shooting for venti x ramon has already begun
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>>260277 Great idea! Shadilay!
>>260271 >two time king G​AMERGATE voter >has dated at least two men and married one of them >had a long time crush on gym until gym laughed at him implodingstill loves him and would go back if gym said one positive thing about him >longest straight relationship was with a street shitter >regularly pays prostitutes >dead beat father >loves G​AMERGATE culture so much he wants to be a G​AMERGATE >loves interracial cuck ***** >has been to prison for attacking a women >is never not drunk and/or high >was proudly part of a gay sweaty gamer group until the gay sweaty gamer leader snubbed him It's amazing that there are still retards that buy into the Гунт's right-wing LARP. It's not like all that is a secrect only /cow/ or foxdicks know about. It's very public information.
>>260276 I wonder if this tiny paedophile realizes that by calling for the assassination of Trump supporters, he was a big contributor for his victory.
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>>>260280 hes gonna get ramonated now
>>260280 He will never be that introspective. ADHDs don't and maybe can't ever. He also makes too much money not examining his culpability. Progressive Victory just died of GRIDS
>>260240 ***** dup!
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>>260279 its other fat disgusting betamales like analwulf, who is a furry, homo*****ual and suspected sweaty gamer https://uk.pinterest.com/adolwulf/ https://www.deviantart.com/mezgrman/favourites/all analwulf best bud Mezgrman from his diviantart is posing little downys and furrys >piggertits has to keep a sweaty gamer around and is too poor to refuse 1 dollar donations each day
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>>260286 i hate it when they have their camera mirrored in the car and it looks like they're driving on the left
>>260287 I wish they'd move to a place where they drive on the left (maybe)
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>>260285 that bumhole has seen the outside
>>260279 >>260285 pigtits watches loli, he married a trannie loi sweaty gamer, he goes to brothels in mexico with minors > the *****ing brothel in merida got closed down for trafficking ***** girls, the same brothel that piggertits goes to
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FAT PEOPLE AREN'T HUMAN you cant do anything about if pig
>>260294 Congrats, Asston, you made MATI (more) unlistenable yesterday with your constant soy screeching
>>260295 josh loves his fatties, i can't believe he gives fatass and ***** the time of day
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>>260296 >>260276 >Destiny still hasn't responded to Andrew Wilson's text message inquiring about paying Destiny the $2K Steven won in their election bet
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>>260296 >pretend not to see posts so you can act like you're pre-empting them That's a cope and a half, but he'll get decent engagement from it. If I'd nitpick anything, I'd say setting 50m as the baseline for the Y-axis and then making a relative comparison is appealing to the lowest common denominator. Kamala got merged.
>>260299 It's the only way to frame the statistics for the purpose of insinuating
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>>260295 who is the worst streamer in the dead sektur andy stuttering cant speak ppp fat winey retard with autism pigtits sits in silence says nothing cawg, watches piggertits plus annoying wigger music suverok, watches piggertirs plus tts josh watches fatties metkour lol
>>260303 cawg or KC. Cawg is more impressive than even KC with how he can be terminally annoying without even a co-host to assist.
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>>260306 they are lined up
>>260304 who contributes the least to their own show andy just sits and claps ppp parrots foxdickfarms pigtits sits in silence watches other peoples streams on autoplay cawg watches piggertits stream suverok watches piggertits, watching other streamers
>>260298 >gave Andrew his paypal to pay but said he was going off line so he couldn't chat
>>260302 metokur still hasnt figured out chunk pooger is 100% reverse psychology infowars employee yet
>>260284 Notice that Sargon only started streaming on his dead channel recently the exact second he got superchats restored. Can all these people die already? >>260303 Styx sits there drunk and being flamboyant and gay as possible, saying he predicted Trump would win, y'know. Reads superchats for an hour. Rambles and rambles with little insight. Reads and uses legacy media to read the election results and make his rambling shitty videos while telling you legacy media is bad and dead. >>260310 Maybe one day you should lay out your theory on how everyone you have ever heard of, is controlled by Infowars. I would entertain it if there was decent evidence for it. Or maybe dismiss it as schizo nonsense.
>>260308 before they brought in s cambian they were having trouble with donos that's when I realized it's all fake for real, I can already see friction with cambo in they often stuggled to talk over each other during the broadcast cambo is jesuit educated so that's a flag, he also obviously puts on a kind of gravelly voice, and he has that very annoying laugh that seems fake, I just get vibes off the guy as not quite being what he appears either and now he's obviously in the KC and they definitely aren't what they appear It does look like p p p is just a gay troll in fact of course, he is obviously some kinda controlled opposition the way he cuts in and out of saying some good things then just shilling to a point it's obvious. I mean that's where you go with it, he's paid to shill a line or he's got an IQ of 80. I have faith all this bs is gonna get exposed one day, I mean the people behind all this faggotry have 2 options really, they can fix media or eventually go down as exposed shill grifters and I have no faith that Trump and his team will do anything expect cover up high level crimes and try to id chip and track and log everyone but anyway yeah I dunno. I'm hopeful the KC will fall from something eventually be it a dispute with the 'donors' or their program just getting shutdown.
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>>260312 sup leo, you are a closet homo
>>260314 stop trying to insert yourself and your gay friends nuzach
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Based Gaytor telling the cartoon holes to make less of the yappidy yap and more of the uwu uguu.
the pig does eeeeeeerr, errr ,rraaaa ehhmmm, rraaaaa, eehehheh, errrrrrr DOES PIGGERTITS HAVE A STAMMER OR A SPEECH IMPEDIMENT
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>>260318 Gaytor is basically saying for Vtuber girls to stop crying about Trump winning, when he's trying to stroke his cock to their lolimeat. Keep your dirty whore mouth shut unless it's opening up wide for my Gaytor shlong. If you don't shut up about Trump, you won't advance in the Vtuber world. Us right-wing chuds don't like hearing you mock Daddy while we stroke it to you. >>260320 >My generation did this. Way to self-insert and try to make it all about yourself, ya narcissist.
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>>260321 >blaming the hippo He probably liked the squirrel and raccoon dying too
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>>260324 Gaytor is a tough badass guy just like Bryan, bud, be careful, both the elderfags can dox you and beat up you.
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>>260326 Based baby hippo making them seethe, poor squirrel and raccoon shit his pants and did nothing wrong and were killed by libshit government jannies :(
>>260328 Peanut is watching skies Moo Deng is watching the streets
>>260330 legal "bangkok boys" dicksucker found a new grift. he can't do anything to hasan.
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>>260330 truly magnificent dup glory
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>>260330 >Hasan wants to go to Japan Why not back to Turkey? Or is he afraid he will be used again as a battery-less flesh light?
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>>260331 Yep. Who does Legal Mindset think he is? Someone with power? 😁 Hasan is mega-rich. Hard to believe this guy used to be the little buttboy intern at TYT under his uncle Cenk Ughur. Now he's his own man who got rich being a communist larper on Twitch. If he wants to move to Japan to ***** Jap women, there's nothing anyone can do to stop him. As the biggest barrier or lubricant to life on the planet is money. And he's got it. >>260334 Hasan doesn't get *****ed. He is the *****er. He lives in a giant mansion, *****s exotic ***** stars, and gets whatever he wants. He also *****ed Pokimane, Janice Griffith, and other hot babes.
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1st pic looks like Pantsu if Pantsu was hotter. 2nd and 3rd pic are ugly. Jesus, why would anyone on the planet want ear gauges? All it does is ruin your ears and make them flop around with giant holes in them. Lmao. She really hit the wall after Hasan and the ***** industry chewed her up, *****ed her with nigs, and spat her out. Still, she looked like a queen in her ***** prime days. Like some Egyptian goddess Cleopatra with those solid black eyes, dark hair and bronze skin. What race is she? I think I read she was a mix of several things but what mix exactly?
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So what country should I go to to get one of these models? Arab? Lebanese? Also, I just realized she was clearly the inspiration for the Overwatch character Pharah. At least the face.
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HAHAHA. I'm Jewshua Moonpie. I'm so cute by putting this Moonface crap (From Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask) over half the screen so my users cannot log in and read the boards. Nevermind the fact that I've never played or beaten Majora's Mask from N64 bc this game was before my time and I don't ever seem to play good games. Just shitty ones like Roblox or Blockland or other shitty flash browser games on the pc that my single Mom (no daddy) didn't have to buy for me.
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Boulder Talk Radio is joever... And so is America (maybe) | BTR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5s3x1i-Ymo
>>260335 >Hasan doesn't get *****ed. He is the *****er. He lives in a giant mansion, *****s exotic ***** stars, and gets whatever he wants. He also *****ed Pokimane, Janice Griffith, and other hot babes. So he says. Unless there is footage, it's all a light show to me, where the truth could be anything. >>260336 The "ugly" ones are *****able, they just have ugly glasses
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72% boyos
>>260342 LETS *****ING GO
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>>260342 BASED
gross here piggy piggy piggy
shooulda got that abortion sandra weeeeeey weeeeheeeeyyy suuuuuuueeeeee
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>>260352 collab when
>>260330 Fed or not, Feduentes does some good trolling. He's got all the feminists worked up since TDS 2.0 has just started
>>260351 >>260352 the face and body of a pig >only a face a mother could ***** what did sandra's cunt taste like pigtits
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>>260356 he should work with super ramon, pitching and catching
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>>260356 what they don't realize is hes talking about men
>>260359 Well, they are dumb hysterical middle class women
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>most abortions are men's fault, ladies
>>260361 Mexican wisdom From Mexico Mac
is piggertits still paying 500 ***** support every month or is he deadbeating with adowolf cringe superchats, why dont the vickers just move away and not tell him
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what would a ***** between ramon and mary morgan look like?
>>260366 >>260357 >>260354 >>260351 >>260352 calm down G​AMERGATE
>>260371 hello piggertits your suicide will be delicious
>>260356 I don't see fuentes as a fed, hes an e-celeb out for himself first and foremost, he will work with anyone and anything to become bigger, hes not someone to be trusted but its ambitious fags like him with charisma that have sway over ***** people. It's a shame when you realize just how rare of an occurrence someone with that sort of charisma was actually a decent person like Hitler. Not comparing fuentes to Hitler or implying they are at that same level but I do think in another time e-celebs like carl, fuentes, and metokike would have had followings appropriate for themselves, they are the types who think they are historical men but only have a fraction of what it takes to be someone like Hitler or Caear.
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>>260373 *jcaesar
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>>260372 No refunds.
>>260375 i was just asking about pigtits ***** support payments, i think he would kill himself if the vickers moved state and disappeared >>260352 >>260351 i find it funnny how ugly this pig is and physically looks like a pig
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>>260369 an aryan prince
>>260373 He’s the only person that didn’t get butt*****ed for being at the capital on J6 and there is video of him inciting. That’s little beaner is a fed
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>>260373 >I don't see fuentes as a fed gullible retarded or misinfo agent? call it.
>>260380 Never saw any evidence he was other than the fact that someone claimed someone in the capital was him. If its ever truly confirmed hes a fed of some sort who made a deal. >>260381 Explain to me how hes a fed in your own words, I used to believe it for years and I honestly want to believe it but he just sort of seems like a scummy e-celeb who happens to hate jews and is privately a homo who makes suspect jokes referencing to it all the time. I would say over time hes acted less and less gay for better or worse. I primarily thought he was a fed bickers he remained on jewtube longer than anyone, than I realized that the jews constantly trying to get him to go to Israel and subvert his "movement" were actually the feds and that their have been constant attempts to make his "movement" into a pro-kike one. The only thing nick the spic has going for him is that he repeats shit /pol/ said years ago and has been a loudspeaker in antisemitic, doesn't change the fact that hes never going to grow into anything besides being a glorified e-celeb out for personal gain. At this point he sort of huffs his own farts and seems to think hes some sort of savior, I don't believe that either. I also used to think he was a fed cause he got shilled on 4chan and 8chan a lot back in the day but that was probably his retarded fans, not to say that feds probably didn't encourage all e-celebs back than cause they probably use the donor-lists of e-celebs to gather names to put on lists. Now I'm not saying this means we should trust Fuentes, a part of me doubts the claims that Richard Spencer is a fed for various reasons, doesn't change the fact that he was a useful idiot for them, and that so much of the alt-kike were feds, like Heimbach a literal Russian shill, or obvious feds like Jay Delray from TRS who was a former CIA G​AMERGATE as well as TRS in general who all were revealed to have been likely informants. Than you have fags like Anglin who are not feds but are just as bad as them, Anglin poisoned the alt-right as a term and was a generally giant faggot, he still is.
>>260367 Some of these dumb bitches are hot when they are blubbering. Makes me want to stretch them out
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>>260382 i was heavily involved in the wignat sphere in the early days, no one says the shit fuentes says without getting door knocked and recruited. especially since he's not anonymous. also, melonie mac vs alyssa mercante.
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>>260384 Mere-cunt has a nice ass even if she gets stretched out by bbc.
>>260386 Do you still dress like a woman to suck Nigerian cocks, yakuza?
now cambian of course gets sather on, sather literally started his online career glazing wilcock he literally made a video with the title 'is david wilock a lying disinfo ... etc' then in his infinite wisdom he explained how he wasn't, he told us all wilcock was legit cut to now, he still thinks q is real but apparently now he's an authority on who is a fraud I bet $100 cambian didn't even press him at all either so *****ing gay, ***** all these grifter trash
>>260382 The feds were pressing even a nobody like paulie the frog for his 'involvement' in january 6, which was streamsnipping blacked alaska. Spic got zero charges even though he was one of the ringleaders, besides the travel ban which was imposed the moment his retarded fans started questioning why he was the only one that wasn't charged. Every single time he or his handler does something stupid that exposes his status as a faggot fed, he magically starts getting banned left and right so that he can prove he's not one.
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>>260392 >Every single time he or his handler does something stupid that exposes his status as a faggot fed, he magically starts getting banned left and right so that he can prove he's not one. Bingo. >>260387 >yakuza
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>>260396 >>260386 Ramonator's ***** and Gape
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>>260396 Her gas isn't green. It's white and smells like vanilla.
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the ***** merida ***** prostitutes pov
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pigtits has a red cut on his forehead to match his red face
piggertits has dropped 3 suicide threats in the last 5 minutes
>>260401 Is it just me or is his audio completely out of sync.
>>260402 its probably all his dead air, theres 5 people in his chat, no engagement
will ana kasparian join the balldo bunker now that april has been exiled?
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>>260404 Ana should shut up and do some Trans500
>>260402 the vickers and faith should move to minnesota, piggertits is being hunted by the state due to witness tampering
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_vsg*****Kndg *SMUCKLES* DUPTRAIN 2024, WHITE G​AMERGATES
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>The Question of Legitimacy 2 out of 3 and a half ain't bad. *chuckles*
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https://rumble.com/v5n5uxt-mad-at-the-internet-november-8th-2024.html?e9s=src_v1_u***** >"Your body, our choice" isn't funny at all, guys! It's a veiled ***** threat, not a troll about abortion rights hysteria." ***** you, Dull, you humorless faggot
>>260404 Ana Kasparian is welcome to ride my glorious White god rod any time she pleases.
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>>260407 faith should get team tagged slamdunked by the jcaesar187amon
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nick rekieta called into a stream completely *****ed up and admitted to eating aaron imholte's cum out of april's vagina
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>>260416 >nick rekieta called into a stream completely *****ed up and admitted to eating aaron imholte's cum out of april's vagina bruh wtf
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>>260413 Jewshie literally pulls up a post from Lidl Drip to play the Fuentes kontent (not helping the rumors that it's his sock or his discordkitten). Then you can hear the hurt in his voice @~59 min or so as he basically says, "please won't someone think of the poor oppressed wahmen." Then he goes into how Fuentes is a fed, which is probably true. But the way he delivers this message is so gay. Also, @20 min, he uses this data to simp for white women (mainly to soothe his own ego—"I was right!") to show that white women voted for Trump so don't blame them. But his argument is so weak. 46% of white women voted for Kamala. 53% of white women voted for Trump. Uhh, that's basically a 50-50 coinflip. So if you just tap the average white women, you have no idea which way she's voting. Whereas 60% of white men voted for Trump. All this suggests that almost half of white women are more likely to go outside their race and vote for Kamala rather that vote for big bad Trump, the demonized white man. In other words, for 50% of white women, being female is more important than being white in their personal hierarchy (excluding actual policies and other factors they are thinking about). It's not this simple ofc but it kinda is when you look at the way people are voting. Blacks for Obama or Biden were 90%. >Obama is black and I am black. >Biden is Obama's friend and there is no black guy this time so I'm voting Biden. Source: https://apnews.com/article/election-harris-trump-women-latinos-black-voters-0f3fbda3362f3dcfe41aa6b858f22d12 https://rumble.com/v5n5uxt-mad-at-the-internet-november-8th-2024.html?e9s=src_v1_u***** >>260414 Unfortunately for you, she brags about riding Mexican and other Latino cock. >>260416 Yuck.
>>260416 Pics or it didn't happen.
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>>260424 glad youre back.
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>>260427 Thanks bro. I never left though. I'm always here reading and posting. Just not always representing hentai.
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im bored so im going through old /cow/ lore. space pirate got a halal thread on kiwi a while back some funny shit in it. odd to think JEWS was the best mod, homor a cow in his own right ( https://archive.li/vkyrt ) arguably killed this site by allowing the /ibs/ cyclical eternal thread #9. the original version of /cow/ called /cwc/ was created by Mark Ortiz https://archive.fo/shwgP ) a brown white supremacist many such cases you might know of him from his feud with br1tbong. /cow/s host after 789chan https://archive.li/Ec3b8 was 888chan run by nekoarc the troon https://archive.li/uQuhj next host was Fredrick fresh from wizardchan, cripllekike brought in nool the 2 got cozy after enjoying kfs pet fake cow jace with deagle nation. now here the site is with an admin who hangs out with ppp, seems about right.
>>260433 np, >>260436 forgot to link space pirates thread https://archive.li/arDbg
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Senor Nicholas Juan Fuentes got doxed on the twatters and has gone into hiding after creating an army of scorned roasties with his comments earlier this week.
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>>260439 Pussy ass faggot
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>>260439 time for the visit
>>260439 jajajajaja, muy bien
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>>260450 >Groypers rise up
>>260450 Atleast he is living amongst his people in the ethnostate.
*****s and hoes threatening to be celibate for 4 years bickers Trump won
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>>260450 the break ins will be legendary
>>260450 >>260453 So that is the basement that Gayden McNeil lived in for 2 years. And he described Mexicans living next door and wanting to die from depression while living there. And Fuentes' dad would come over to cut the grass for Fuentes.
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looks like aaron left himself logged in on one of nick's devices or something idk pretty *****in funny
>>260470 If it was Aaron's then why would Nick blur out the icon and proof that it's Aarons instead of Nick?
>>260471 out of sheer respect and dignity of course! nah lol you make a good point maybe he hid it cause it's very close to unauthorized access and he thinks he's being clever melton has been insinuating for a while now that he has some kind of deep secret source so this is supposedly it could probably just lying tho lol very funny and weird
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the sektur is back
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==BLEED ON THE SHEETS= *****in hell ape
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>>260475 AAAAUUUGH
>>260475 >ring it up steeltoe loss rofl
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damn lads, jcaesar187 had a full piller yesterday wow he deleted it
>>260480 I wonder what caused it This Minnesota witness-tampering arrest warrant? Is he cooked? He's not going to jail right?
>>260481 it's hard to tell what its all about but I mean, rekieta did make fun of the king for farting and you don't just let that kinda thing slide
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>>260479 jcaesar187 meeting ramon in prison be like
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>>260484 I mean, the jcaesar187amale's arm looks broken for a start.
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>>260471 a) it could be april's account which aaron is signed in on so showing the images would confuse the matter b) protection against unauthorised electronic access laws, aaron would have to confirm it's his to press it as an issue >>260481 He streamed Aaron's revenge ***** hearing over *****m on Sept 3rd.
>>260487 I thought it was bc jcaesar187 was doxing Aaron Imholte's address and it was believed to be an order from his buddy Rekieta. Which could be seen as witness-intimidation and tampering. Which lead into the boxing hoax. I guess not. Also, it's pretty lame that his pillstreams are when he gets upset or sad and then pops a bunch of pills.
>>260484 hell yeah lets gooooo
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>>260485 throat game 🎯
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>>260474 Quick rundown bickers I stopped caring and paying attention two years ago.
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>>260502 >jcaesar187 has a nationwide warrant out for his arrest witness intimidation against cuck aaron, effectively banning him from the USA >jcaesar187 broke his chair due to being obese while calling potentially criminal fat >jcaesar187 had a pillstream yesterday >Rekieta called into Melton's stream to talk about felching another man's cum out of a crackwhore's snatch and admitting to polyamory >Rekieta was obviously intoxicated while on the call and is currently under 4 drug tests a week, will absolutely fail the next one >Rekieta also admitted to his marriage falling apart during this implying divorce may be incoming >Rekieta's live-in crackwhore April Imholte is also having a meltdown on Twatter, admitting to their swinger relationship and is saying she sat down with Rekieta to explain their *****ual relationship to Rekieta's *****ren >Crackwhore April is alluding to pushing out Rekieta's invalid, retard wife Kayla so she can wreck her 3rd home >Currently Rekieta, Melton and April are commiting felonies outlined by >>260503 against Aaron Imholte all while Rekieta and April have pending criminal cases against them
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609.498 TAMPERING WITH WITNESS.​ Subdivision 1.Tampering with witness in the first degree.​ Whoever does any of the following is guilty of tampering with a witness in the first degree and may be sentenced as provided in subdivision 1a: (a) intentionally prevents or dissuades or intentionally attempts to prevent or dissuade by means of force or threats of injury to any person or property, a person who is or may become a witness from attending or testifying at any trial, proceeding, or inquiry authorized by law; (b) by means of force or threats of injury to any person or property, intentionally coerces or attempts to coerce a person who is or may become a witness to testify falsely at any trial, proceeding, or inquiry authorized by law; (c) intentionally causes injury or threatens to cause injury to any person or property in retaliation against a person who was summoned as a witness at any trial, proceeding, or inquiry authorized by law, within a year following that trial, proceeding, or inquiry or within a year following the actor's release from incarceration, whichever is later; (d) intentionally prevents or dissuades or attempts to prevent or dissuade, by means of force or threats of injury to any person or property, a person from providing information to law enforcement authorities concerning a crime; (e) by means of force or threats of injury to any person or property, intentionally coerces or attempts to coerce a person to provide false information concerning a crime to law enforcement authorities; or (f) intentionally causes injury or threatens to cause injury to any person or property in retaliation against a person who has provided information to law enforcement authorities concerning a crime within a year of that person providing the information or within a year of the actor's release from incarceration, whichever is later. Subd. 1a.Penalty.​ Whoever violates subdivision 1 may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than five years or to payment of a fine not to exceed $10,000
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This n i g g e r's brain is so fried he just admitted to accessing steel toe's DMs
>>260503 >>260507 this isn't proof you dumb kiwifag
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>>260506 I don't see cuck shaming on that definition.
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>>260510 Ramonshame
>>260090 >>260513 No matter how bad you think Covid policies were, they were intended to be worse. Consider the vaccine passports alone. Six cities were locked down to include only the vaccinated in public indoor places. They were New York City, Boston, Chicago, New Orleans, Washington, D.C., and Seattle. The plan was to enforce this with a vaccine passport. It broke. Once the news leaked that the shot didn’t stop infection or transmission, the planners lost public support and the scheme collapsed. It was undoubtedly planned to be permanent and nationwide if not worldwide. Instead, the scheme had to be dialed back. Features of the CDC’s edicts did incredible damage. It imposed the rent moratorium. It decreed the ridiculous “six feet of distance” and mask mandates. It forced Plexiglas as the interface for commercial transactions. It implied that mail-in balloting must be the norm, which probably flipped the election. It delayed the reopening as long as possible. It was sadistic. Even with all that, worse was planned. On July 26, 2020, with the George Floyd riots having finally settled down, the CDC issued a plan for establishing nationwide quarantine camps. People were to be isolated, given only food and some cleaning supplies. They would be banned from participating in any religious services. The plan included contingencies for preventing suicide. There were no provisions made for any legal appeals or even the right to legal counsel. The plan’s authors were unnamed but included 26 footnotes. It was completely official. The document was only removed on about March 26, 2023. During the entire intervening time, the plan survived on the CDC’s public site with little to no public notice or controversy.
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>>260509 Quiet, non-practicing lawtuber.
>>260484 literately has nothing to live for, pigtits will be bragging about his therapist before she files a restraining order against him > who will piggertits latch onto next, no xani, no cozy, its rough like his red spotty face
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From recent Pillstream that was caused this >>260484 >>260487
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>record scratch >freeze frame >Yup, that’s me. No, not that guy, that guy. You’re probably wondering how I got into this situation. I guess I’ll start from the beginning
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>>260530 he needs a hero
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mexico to deport all pigs
>>260508 What's a *****o handsign?? Like this 👉👌?
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Гунт is shook about going back to jail lmao
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>>260542 he spends all day hiding in his shitty mexican tin shack
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>>260542 come out Гунт
>>260537 the state of Minnesota should hire a bounty hunter, catch piggertits with a tranquilizer gun, hog tie him, stick a apple in his fat face, then its barbecue time, in prison for good ole pigtits
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zimh_DMq3zQ Fake VIRGIN found God?! Feminist vs. Andrew Wilson! Travel Nurse Came To DEBATE?!
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>>260546 >the panamanian cum dumpster is back
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>>260547 Yes, after lying for two whole episodes and then being kicked off, I guess she saw Nala's grift and had to return
>>260546 this sheboon's saggy tits make muttni's look healthy
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>>260550 literally a hippo
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>>260550 a banquet
>>260551 >can see her gut thru her cleavage *****in GROSS
wow the KC is on wonder how many cuckolds and guys that stopped reviewing tech P P P has found today
>>260556 kinda amazed at how many paypigs they have watched like 10 minutes and they got a ton of gifted subs
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>>260559 watch out spic
>>260559 >typical little Mexican faggot
piggertits interjecting with his shitty political opinions I DON'T ENTIRELY COSIGN THIS >soon your going to lose all your payments and interpol will hunt you down like the pig animal you are and put you in your rightful place inside a flithy mexican jail cell
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>>260563 >an old lady at your front door is provocative
>>260559 Very feminine behavior out of the spic PATHETIC
>>260563 This is the same pigman that was talking about going to gym's house and then encouraged others when he realized he was too big of a pussy to confront a dying cancer patient in a wheelchair. Literally 'it's okay when we do it' shit that the sweaty gamersleftists do, like you need any more proof he's just LARPing as a conservative.
piggertits paizuri ramon
NEW HORROR TRANNY IS OUT I don't think either Ramon or Blaide would touch this thing. But Bryan is another story... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uvt3iHNTLcU https://archive.ph/pG3Bd
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>>260559 If I watched a Chris Chan doc for halloween, I'd be spooked too.
jcaesar187 is definitely pilled out today.
>>260569 comments on other peoples lives >his life is the textbook definition of complete *****ing loser and failure
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>>260568 Needs some nip and tuck
>>260566 metocuck isn't man enough to answer the door. he has his wet market bride do it. he hides in the restroom when confronted just like jawsh moon.
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gods destroy him
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jcaesar187 is now furious with thunderf00t thanks to being gassed up by BrianaWuHyperBimbo
>>260575 And Гунтy still pussied out
>>260583 it is bish-made for man to confront another man's woman instead of the man himself.
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>>260582 Thunderfoot removed the stream.
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>>260589 sleep tight sweet prince
>>260559 very cool Гунт thanks for the lol's
>>260586 When has that ever stopped Гунтy from doing anything ever?
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>>260594 the refuge
>>260593 In the jcaesar187amales defence, he picked up several bottles off the floor on stream and they were all empty mexican coke bottles.
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>>260593 HE'S SOOOOOOO *****IN BACK
>>260593 he really should be handing himself into the minnesota state to avoid further charges from evading arrest and being on da run or you could just end it already, tick tick pig
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gods kill him
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did anyone watch ***** lover dax, kumite style tier fan art with piggertits crying about being on da run
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>>260603 >G​AMERGATEpoint crying about tourists
>>260594 >mentally ill faggots overreact to not getting their way What a shock.
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Styx update! Julian, the schizo, ex-tranny, ex-nazi, Bible-thumper who texts Samantha, the girl Styx groped on stream and forced an abortion on years ago, has come forward on the Farms to redact the censored texts put out earlier, from Sam to Julian. Styx has an ex-gf that he keeps around and is still close friends with, that he calls his "sister." This ex moved on and had a kid with another man. According to Sam, Styx has been grooming this 8 year old girl by trying to get her to sleep with him bc she's scared of the dark and wets the bed. Styx has a urination fetish. And if this is true, he is a sweaty gamer. Styx's explanation is that it's fine for the girl to do what she wants so long as no one finds out. Styx when confronted about this, threatened to kill Sam. Him throwing the cellphone back at her in Louisiana is not the first time he has engaged in domestic violence. He has thrown brass bowls at her too in the past. And chased several other exes around with swords and daggers. He has even held Sam at gunpoint several times in the past. Source where you can read all the texts if you want more: https://foxdickfarms.st/threads/styxhexenhammer666-tarl-warwick.18845/page-262
>>260606 to the rescue
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>>260606 >I could've just not answered the door
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>>260606 I'm conflicted about this. On the one hand, I wanna joke that Fuentes is a chad badass who took no prisoners and Sparta-stomped some liberal Jewish bitch off his stoop. BASED! On the other hand, you can't just open the door and mace somebody in the face immediately. Let alone, macing some 50 year old woman is bitch-made in the first place. This is not really a threat. Now, of course there are crazy people and she could have a loaded gun or something. Yeah, she could murder you if she wanted. And Fuentes is a famous nazi target now, so this is not out of the question that the media could get this guy killed by a deranged extremist leftist that thinks they are doing the world a favor by killing the next Hitler before he rises to power. He could have not just not answered the door. And then if she opened the door or somehow got through the lock, then by all means, mace the bitch and kick her out of your house. That is justified if she's breaking and entering. Having said all that, the Jewish woman is obviously not the first person that has come to his door recently. Fuentes is now tired of it if his first response is to just mace people. After being doxed over and over and trending right now, he is rightfully paranoid and is undoubtedly looking out his windows a lot and seeing strange cars filming his house and stopped outside on the street. And some of them are looking to pull pranks and maybe damage his property and maybe pop his tires or something. So I get why he is paranoid. But his response is unjustified.
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Also, the Jewish busybody knew what she was doing. She wants to be a victim but it's clear she was looking to antagonize from her letter on Facebook and being egged-on by the other woman in the car. So no sympathy for her either. She wanted the smoke!
>>260612 >you can't just open the door and mace somebody in the face immediately my immediate reaction when this all came out was that it's definitely gonna make fuentes look more like a lolcow, but all the non stop legalfagging has changed my mind. nothing is gayer than when alogging turns into a legal debate like "actually he's a lolcow bickers he broke the law" and it's a bunch of spergs jacking off with each other bickers they've convinced themselves the guy they hate is for sure 100% gonna be going to jail. that shit is way gayer than fuentes himself.
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>Lidl Drip is a Jewsh sockpuppet
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>>260619 >for every andy there's 6 retarded fat women There's you answer for why Andy never went to that girl his dad set him up with in Portugal.
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>>260619 ГунтMAN jcaesar187 SEGMENT
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>>260559 Here's the video.
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>>260626 Are these clowns (literal and metaphorical) aware that Halloween has been over for almost 2 weeks now?
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>>260627 Where else is Ashley going to find clothes at a reasonable price?
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>>260626 Cheap imitation
holy ***** this fuentes thing is obviously as fake as it gets or is gonna go nowhere bickers he's a shill and now this fat shilll starts lecturing for an hour about it instead of actually running an entertaining show, he needs to be run over

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